© 2018-2022 Kerry Sunderland
INTRO memoir writing course

'There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.'
- Maya Angelou
Our focus
A transformational short course with former
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
creative writing tutor Kerry Sunderland
Overview of course:
Writing memoir isn't just about arranging words on a page, it is about examining the people, places and events that have shaped you. In this exploration, you'll learn more about yourself and what has made you the person you are today. Writing about how you have transformed is, itself, inherently transformational.

Memoirs, like any other books, are made sentence by sentence. So they're written by not only paying close attention to the people, places and events that have shaped you, but equally close attention to the sentences you use to bring your story to life for your readers.

One of the most important aspects of writing memoir is learning what to include and what to leave out. We will also consider the difference between 'situation' and 'story', and play with the many ways there are to structure your story.

In this course, Kerry will guide you to:
• Explore memoir and life writing as a genre
• Develop connections with a community of writers
• Understand how to read like a writer and how to write for readers
• Consider the many ethical issues that arise when writing memoir
• Learn how to give and receive constructive feedback on writing
• Extend your learning with peer feedback on yours and others' writing
• Find out more about publishing opportunities.

The course will consist of writing exercises, facilitated discussions and feedback sessions about each participant's work.
Register your interest
Your facilitator
  • Kerry Sunderland
    Kerry Sunderland is an Australian writer based in New Zealand. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Victoria University of Wellington and was joint winner of the 2018 Hachette Mentorship in Australia for her soon-to-be published memoir, Beyond the Blue Door.

    Kerry has worked has a professional writer, magazine editor and journalist since the early 1990s and her words have appeared in North & South, The Spinoff, Stuff/The Nelson Mail and Wild Tomato.

How the course will be delivered:
Write Your Life is a blended course, with both face-to-face workshops and online seminars.

We start with face-to-face workshops to get to know each other and build connections - and to do lots of writing together!

Then when we start looking at our writing, sentence by sentence, we move online to make the most of what technology can offer.

All face-to-face workshops will take place at the new Motueka Public Library in Wallace Street, Motueka.

All online sessions will take place on Zoom. If you haven't used Zoom before, you will receive extra coaching to make sure you are set up for the first online session in week four.
Your investment:
This 8-week course is being offered on a sliding scale from $390 to $550.

Please pay what what you can; as a suggestion those who are unwaged would pay $390, those who earn minimum wage would pay $420 and those who receive an above average salary would pay $550.

Please note: The course will go ahead when a minimum of six participants register. The maximum number of participants is 12.
Register your interest
A 30 per cent deposit must be paid within five business days of booking to secure your place. When you book, you will receive payment instructions. The balance must be paid 10 days before the course commences. Other payment plans are available if negotiated prior to this date.